the garden.

earth tenders at the DVG.

This is our first year tending the land at the Dulwich Vegetable Garden.

We’ve recently accessed and will be managing the community food-growing space inside Dulwich Park. The garden has been active for many years and is an established growing space - Earth Tenders will now be stewarding the space to transform it into a nourishing community hub and cultural food growing space.

Keep an eye - we’ll be sharing the journey along the way.

a short history of the DVG.

The DVG was set up in 2009 by Dulwich Going Greener (DGG), a now-defunct charity, and David Smart, a Dulwich resident renowned for growing fruit and veg in the playing fields behind his house. DGG wanted to establish a fully organic fruit and veg garden in Dulwich with David's guidance to help local people become more resilient by learning how to 'grow their own'. It was quite a challenge finding a piece of land for the project, but eventually, negotiations with Southwark Council led to its establishment in what had been the back garden of Rosebery Lodge, near Rosebery Gate, Dulwich Park. 

The lodge was formerly an assistant park keeper's cottage but had long been vacated. The back garden was completely overgrown with trees, shrubs and masses of brambles. Everyone worked hard to improve the soil, grow produce and recruit more volunteers. Many volunteers helped to clear the space and wanted to stay involved. Most of the original volunteers went their different ways, but more came. Over time, raised beds were built, and amenities like a water point and a kitchenette were added. Almost everything in the garden has been rescued from skips and rubbish. A wormery was gifted which still produces fantastic fertiliser, alongside comfrey and nettle infusions and leaf mould to invigorate plants.

Earth Tenders took responsibility of the space in 2024. The journey continues.

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